Friday, February 21, 2014

Homemade Lunch


I don't always have time to make a 'proper' lunch (...ahum I have to admit that when I'm too busy I will forget to eat...) BUT today I made myself to take a little bit more time and I made this delicious soup and salad. Yum.

Friday, February 14, 2014

My Mum

I love my mum. Not only because she brought me this beautiful lipstick today (the thought of only loving her because she brought me a present today makes me feel awful) love her because she is a wonderful person. She is always there for me and she really loves me the way only a mother could. 

My love for my mother is unconditional. She is the strongest person I know and a real role model. Raising three children on her own and working as hard she can isn't easy. I have to remind myself to show my love for her more often. Even though she wouldn't read this I want to write how grateful I am for having her as my mother.

Thank you mum for everything you do for're the best!Instagram Thingsilove

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Hello Old Friend,

It has been more than a year since I posted something on this blog. I just scrolled through my old post and I think its quite amusing to see what I've posted years ago. I rediscovered what I loved years ago, and still love. Reading the posts reminds me of the reason I made this blog. I made this blog to share the things I love..the things most of us love but take for granted because we don't always stand still to enjoy these little things. We all enjoy a long walk or a cup of tea but do we really take time to enjoy the moment? Are we not all busy checking our phones, thinking of other things, making plans for the next day while we drink tea? When was the last time you enjoyed a moment the fullest?

I think its good to think about what you really love. Its okay to think back and stand still for a moment. Do you still love the things you loved years ago? Does it still make you happy?